Youth Tour Essay and Scholarship Contest
For decades, Cookson Hills Electric Cooperative, Inc. (CHEC), along with the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), the Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives (OAEC), and other Oklahoma rural electric cooperatives have been sponsoring the Washington Youth Tour Essay and Scholarship Contest for high school juniors. CHEC awards four students with an all-expenses-paid trip of a lifetime to Washington, D.C., and $500 each in scholarship money. We also award up to six other students $250 each in scholarships. We are pleased to announce our continued support for this incredible opportunity again this year. The Youth Tour program is designed to educate students on the role of electric cooperatives in the national economy, foster appreciation for the democratic form of government, and instill invaluable leadership skills.
To be eligible for the scholarship, participants must be classified as eleventh-grade students who attend a school or are homeschooled in Cookson Hills Electric Cooperative’s service area. It is not a requirement for the parent/guardian of the student to be a member of or receive electric power from Cookson Hills Electric Cooperative. For more information, please contact Brad Martin at 800-328-2368 or consult with your high school scholarship coordinator.