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Call before you dig

Oklahoma One Call System

Okie811Cookson Hills Electric is a member of the Oklahoma One Call System (Call-Okie). Call-Okie is a valuable tool used in preventing damages to public services.  It is a communication link between the excavators and operators of underground facilities.  Call-Okie is a safety and damage prevention program designed to promote public awareness and to eliminate potential hazards posed to excavators, the general public, vital underground facilities and the environment, whenever excavation is done.

Excavation damage can cause injury, loss of life and environmental harm.  It also causes interruptions to vital services and can involve tremendous repair costs.  So, please, dig safely and follow these steps:

Call Okie to request a locate at one of the following numbers:
          Dial 811
          - or-

          48 hours before you dig


          DIG WITH CARE

811 OK Information

On March 10, 2005, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved the use of 811 as a national call-before-you-dig telephone number to interface with the nations’ 62 one call centers. As a result, the Common Ground Alliance (CGA) has been assigned to develop a national campaign to promote the awareness of 811.

For more information, visit the www.okie811.org website.