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Right-of-Way Brush Control Program

Trees and brush that touch Cookson Hills' power lines are a constant battle for Cookson Hills Electric's crews. The reason we are concerned about this problem is it adds to the expenses of providing you with electricity in three ways:

  1. The contact between the brush and power lines causes your power to blink and generally interferes with your service quality. You report this to us, and we must pay a lineman to fix these problems.
  2. During storms, branches located above power lines may fall on them and break the lines, causing an outage and requiring costly repairs.
  3. When trees and brush touch power lines, they actually "steal" energy flowing through the lines. The lost energy must be bought from the generation facility by the cooperative and its members.

The goal of the Cookson Hills Right-of-Way Program is to stop the growth before it gets to the lines and to trim away branches that may fall on the lines. Cookson Hills uses every precaution as it sprays and cuts to destroy the costly growth. Every Spring, new growth brings new problems.

Single-Phase Lines

Three-Phase Lines

Trade A Tree

Cookson Hills will replace a tree if it has to be removed because it does not fall within our guidelines for safety and maintenance.  The replacement tree will be based on availability at that particular time.  If you wish to have a larger tree than the furnished replacement tree, you may be required to pay the difference.

Planting guidelines for your new tree:

  • Trees should be planted far enough away from the power lines that upon full maturity of the tree, the canopy of the tree remains at least 40 feet away from the lines.
  • Mark out the planting area at least five times the tree's rootball diameter.
  • Loosen and mix the soil in the area to a depth of about 12 inches, no deeper.
  • Set the tree upright and shovel the original soil back around the rootball.
  • Pack the soil with a shovel handle and water the area thoroughly. Add soil to any sunken area.
  • Cover with 2-3 inches of mulch to help retain water.

Download the right-of-way clearing information.

Remember, if you are planting trees, look up. Don't plant trees directly under a power line. Plant trees far enough away so they don't grow to within 40 feet of the lines at full maturity. Also, if you notice trees or brush touching Cookson Hills power lines or within ten feet of touching a line, please notify us by calling 1-800-328-2368.

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