Electric Application Addendum for Tenants

Electric Application Addendum for Tenant(s) Rights to Service
Permitted by Property Owner

I/we, , owner(s) of property at , agree to allow installation, maintenance, and/or removal of electric services at said property location. I/we grant permission to , tenant(s) of said property, to request electric services provided by Cookson Hills Electric Cooperative at said location in the name of the tenant(s). The member applying for electric service will be the party responsible for payment of services provided. I understand that Cookson Hills Electric Cooperative is not responsible and is held harmless from requests of services under fraudulent pretenses. Services requested under fraudulent pretenses will be subject to disconnection or subject to denial of electric services. Tenant(s) agree that services will not be connected at said property location without approval of property owner.

Property Owner
Property Owner
Email Address *
Cooperative Representative
Authentication Text *
security key
Please enter the code into the box on the left.